The project involves schhol from Romania,Greece,Spain,Lithuania,Holland,Portugal which can change school policies and propose some new approaches of curricula regarding interdisciplinarity for reducing number of ESL students.Each country confronts less or more with pupils’ lack of motivation of attending school,ESL,teachers’lack of innovative methods to make pupils interested in coming to school and continuing their studies,especially when the students are from disadvantaged groups such as: pupils from rural area,minorities groups such as refugees,migrants,emigrants,children with parents working abroad left alone in the native country.That is why we will try to design a common framework of inclusion through integrated,interdisciplinary lessons,formal and informal activities taking also into consideration development of pupils’ competences for PISA tests achieving relevant and high quality skills and competences. Main target groups:students, teachers,parents and local community.The project’s target groups are:-pupils in order to be more motivated to attend school and to discover their competences to integrate themselves on the educational and labour market in the future- teachers – to develop interdisciplinary skills at international standards for making classes more attractive-local community-to get informed about ESL issue and to support the integration of students Objectives:-reduce pupils' rate of early school leaving in our schools-encourage students to see education as a window for being European citizens to integrate on European educational context and labour market -implement new teaching methods of interdisciplinary activities as a solution to problem of ESL-promote development of European dimension through interdisciplinary curricular and extracurricular activities which are implemented under education local authorities’ supervision The project will implement the following activities:- online conferences-designing project website,Facebook page,project logo,information on eTwinning-questionaires for students who dropout school-elaboration of common plan of measures to fight ESL-logo competition-interdisciplinary activity:Arts and ICT-training course on debates for teachers,pupils-organization of debate:Young generation without labels-articles in local newspapers, interviews-workshops for students,parents,teachers,NGOs using the edited materials There will be 3 short-term joint staff training events and 3 short-term exchanges of groups of pupils.There will be:a)tangible results:ESL DICTIONARY, A CPD (Continuing Professional Development) material for teachers,online games using interdisciplinary approaches b)intangible results:improvement of the academic curriculum in the field of European matters and the bond between students and the European environment (opportunities to study abroad, ECTS, opportunities for work stages in the EU);increasing the expertise for improving the skills,knowledge and managerial abilities for school managers The project will have a great impact on: a)Teachers,management staff- will improve their language skills in English,they will also find a new way to teach using interdisciplinary methods and cooperative learning,comparing the process with the international colleagues so they can transfer this experience to other colleagues from their regions b) Participating organisations:greater understanding and responsiveness to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity c)Students- discover the value of their educational training and the importance of a proper education process which in turn helps against ESL d)The students’ families-will develop their understanding of cooperative work with teachers and other organizations The project has many interesting activities,results that we will sustain after the funding finishes,so we have in mind to: to apply for KA1 to analyze deeper the topic of ESL and interdisciplinarity.