Our school is named "2th Primary School of Drapetsona" and it is in the administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Keratsini-Drapetsona.The school was founded in 2000 and it has 23 years of total service.This school year (2017-2018)our school has 266 students,10 of which are foreigners and 11 of them are Muslim.There are 12 teachers and there are 1 Headteacher,1 Deputy Headteacher in administrative positions and 1 special teacher for students with disabilities. There are 9 teachers for special subjects .The building has 12 teaching classrooms and 2 labs (ICT and Science) and there is also a theatre which is used for various events and cultural activities.Our school yard has 1 basketball and 1 volleyball court.Taking seriously into account the few opportunities provided by their families we are trying through many activities to enrich the students in various sectors. Our organizations is participating throughout the year, in activities about Health, Environment and Culture that are organized by the District of Primary Education of Piraeus .These activities are giving the opportunity to our teachers to organize creative and interdisciplinary lesson plans to enrich their teaching.To implement all these activities, the teachers of our school, use creative and new methods of teaching with the support of ICT. Moreover, the project will give us a chance to educate our children to be open-minded and inter culturally orientated promoting a strong European dimension in institute,in the teachers, in the pupils and in their families. The key people will be the headmaster of our school Mr. Stavros Kostoglou,who is also the coordinator of the program,has participated in 3 Comenius projects, of which in the last as manager and coordinator of another school on subjects concerning civilization and healthy living and the ICT teacher Mr. George Livanidiis.In case of these persons leave their post in the future Miss. Evgenia Veneti and Miss Tomprou Anastasia will take over their role. Regarding the working group of our school they are experts on new technology and also on subjects concerning power saving,health care.We are working on afterschool program in order to decrease ESL of our students.Considering the special characteristics of our school and the adverse social situation experienced by our country (unemployment, financial problems) we have set as a main target the psychosocial health and well-being of our students.In addition we are pursuing of decreasing ESL, increasing pupils' motivation, using interdisciplinary approach We strongly believe that the school might have to play an essential role in society together with its pedagogical teaching role.