The center has 75 teachers with a stable situation and educational experience,which allows continuity of projects.There are 474 Secondary (ESO;12-16 years old) and 246 A levels (1718).There are 16% in ESO and 4% in A levels students with special needs.The criteria of groupings of 1st ESO are elaborated based on the information gathered in meetings that take place with tutors of primary schools creating balanced groups and first-hand information of students that will arrive from primary schools to our secondary school.Coordination with primary schools is an important strategy for planning.In Tutorial Action Plan of this course,special attention is drawn to a program on student participation and intervention within community in order to avoid ESL.The objective is to involve students in organization of class,the center and the neighborhood helping them to listen,to make joint decisions,to organize themselves and to be able to improve the environment.New technologies use has been made to improve and simplify administrative processes and with regard to its didactic use,the use of the virtual classroom has been widespread (more than 70% of teachers and 100% of students use it more or less regularly).There has been an improvement regarding the perception among the students of the importance of institutional acts and extracurricular activities.The greater involvement and participation of parents in extracurricular activities and institutional events has been positively influenced,especially thanks to the collaboration of the APIMA board (parents association).APIMA collaborates economically with the center and in the organization of extra-curricular activities.Meetings are held between the board of directors and the management team of the center, where the possibilities for collaboration to carry out extracurricular,cultural and educational activities are analyzed,and possible improvements in the operation of the center and the ways to improve the participation of parents. Our center considers the topic interesting because IES Madina Mayurqa carries out innovation in the subject of interdisciplinary methodology when teaching our students.We consider it enriching to know how other countries carry out this interdisciplinary methodology,especially for reducing ESL.With this prroject we will encourage our students to exchange and increase their knowledge of foreign languages.Our students families are most of them medium class and very motivated to collaborate with our school. Our center has teachers of departments of biology and geology,geography and history,language and plastic.In case a teacher involved in 1st year gets detached from project,another from the same department will occupy his place.The center has highly qualified and motivated teachers in use of new technologies,this year we are making learning-service methodologies:work done by students together with teachers is shown to community of neighborhood.